Health Connection Goji Berries 250g


1 in stock

SKU: 6009614730895 Category:


Rich in antioxidants, minerals & vitamins, Goji berries are an exceptional health food, widely regarded as a superfood. Perfect for a wholesom power-packed health boost, Goji berries can be added to smoothies, muesli and trail mix or simply enjoyed on their own.

- Calcium: required for building strong teeth and bones
- Potassium: an essential electrolyte that conducts electricity in the body; required for the proper function of all cells, tissues and organs
- Iron: an oxygen-carrier for healthy blood, helping you to feel alert & energised
- Zinc: a powerful immune builder that aids in the absorption of calcium. Zinc has also been linked to increased fertility
- Selenium: rich in antioxidants
- Vitamin C: an important nutrient that functions as an antioxidant; popular in its treatment of many ailments, from the common cold to cancer

Combine all the ingredients and let sit for at least an hour to soften up the Goji berries. Enjoy this tasty & filling super foods super snack to amp up your day and your nutrition.

Additional information

Weight 0.267 kg
Dimensions 22.5 × 14.5 × 14.5 cm


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DISCLAIMER: This product may be a complementary medicine and/or not have been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product is therefore not intended to compensate for diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of medical conditions and must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health or health-related conditions.

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